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Technological HR Trends - What does the future hold?

personalista.com - 13. 09. 2021
The current trend significantly transformed the way people would want to work. From the busy streets in the city, employees working inside offices, errands fulfilled through face-to-face interactions, the current situation gradually evolved to becoming more digital day by day. This atmosphere greatly influenced how companies and workers interact. Jobs are done working from home, pieces of training are conducted through online platforms such as Zoom, errands are also performed through digital application software that accepts online documents, signatures, and payments.

As the mode of work transitioned to being digital, HR leaders then become the frontliners to solve today’s workforce challenges in a virtual setup and to create a more adaptive and deft organization.

Here are on the rise HR technological trends that should be taken note of;

1. The emerging demand for remote work and interaction environment

Employee’s Perspective

Employees undeniably want to work from home due to multiple reasons. One of the most important reasons is their safety. Scientific studies show that the lesser time you spend outside means a lesser likelihood of getting in contact with any disease. Employees think of their families' futures. Another one is the comfortability of working from home. They do not need to get up early and prepare themselves as before. They’re already good to go with their laptops/desktops. Moreover, the more they have time for their families. While it is true that this setup is cost-effective since this means companies don’t have to pay for larger building occupancies and utilities, it also has its own disadvantages. The likely issue would be about gauging performance and the urge for more frequent breaks due to the nonexistence of constant personal interactions.

In this case, a company’s HR technology should be adaptable and responsive to these employees dispersed everywhere in the country. Fortunately, there are emerging technologies that facilitate smooth communication for this type of setups such as opting into Microsoft Teams, Slack, Google Workspace, and the like.

Company’s Perspective

This trend also extends to companies’ operations for their consumers. Since consumers would more likely want to stay in their homes, businesses are challenged to create initiatives that would allow their services to connect to these people. This pushes corporations to create a business operating model that is designed to reach consumers of various locations and also give the ability to their employees to interact with them for technical and customer support services. The online setup revolutionizes the traditional concept of requiring people to interact face to face by only doing it online such as emails, website platforms, or through phone calls.

Given this, HR heads can capitalize on materializing the digital experience into reality through investing in tools that provide up-to-date and real-time communication that would reflect the current business transactions and employee performance. The aim of these tools is to give HR leaders the necessary information in improving the operations of the companies they are in.

2. Innovating company culture to being more mental health-centric

While a lot of people firstly enjoyed the starting months of the pandemic, the long wait of hoping to make the pandemic gone created psychological problems. According to the World Health Organization, the social reality of working from home, home-schooling of children, temporary unemployment, and the lack of face-to-face interactions with other people, especially family members and friends take time to get used to. In the process, this hampered most employees to be fully productive in their respective lines of work due to excessive feelings of loneliness, stress, mental fatigue, and burnout.

The likely effective response is preparing HR leaders to adapt to a setup where it constantly cares for the mental health of their employees. Opting into startups that provide mental healthcare assistance is one way to respond to this emerging need for a response. The rising techs are offering online executive coaching, live group sessions, and other ways to improve professional leadership. Another one is startup rising is an on-demand online individual and group therapy platform that engages in the discussions of personalized trauma, existing mental conditions hampering quality work productivity. Moreover, we also have techs that focus on assessment, psychiatric referrals, and counseling.

3. Aligning the company’s visions to talent recruits

The volume of applications in this pandemic is overwhelming. One job posting can attract a lot of applicants with various experiences and personalities. This takes a lot of time for HR leaders to manually filter because applicants would most likely try to apply even if they do not have the precise skill set required just for the sake of getting employed. What can help HR leaders is to invest in creating an initiative in adapting to an automated applicant filtering system that is designed to have the best candidates that are aligned with the skills required and what the company is looking for in an employee. Emerging software is generally focused on filtering applicants that best fit the description of job postings. This type of software has personalized analytics to systematically filter candidates that are less fit and unaligned with company values.

Tech Job sites also offer innovative performance and customer-responsive experiences through digital ways of providing new information. They promote a new job search model that supports closing the gap between employers and jobseekers.

The future of HR technologies is always focused on getting more steps ahead to anticipate the emerging challenges of talent acquisition, employee, and customer experience. The operational way to do this is to invest in HR advancements that equip companies with various modes of functioning because, in this way, companies can adapt to the ever-evolving nature of work forms.

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